Grizzly Bear Watercolor
Grizzly Bear Canvas Wall Art
Hand Painted Grizzly Bear Painting
Brown Bear Watercolor Print
Grizzly Bear Framed Gallery Wrapped Canvas in White
Grizzly Bear Framed Gallery Wrapped Canvas in Wood
Grizzly Bear Framed Gallery Wrapped Canvas in Black
Grizzly Bear Framed Gallery Wrapped Canvas in Espresso
Grizzly Bear Framed Wildlife Print in Black
Grizzly Bear Framed Wildlife Print in Espresso
Grizzly Bear Framed Wildlife Print in White
Grizzly Bear Framed Wildlife Print in Light Wood

Quiet Spirit

Normaler Preis$26.00

  • Kostenloser Versand für US-Bestellungen
  • Auftragsabwicklung: 3 bis 5 Werktage

"Quiet Spirit" is the fourth watercolor piece in the "Windows" collection. The wildlife painting captures the powerful gaze of a grizzly bear, embodying both the raw power and calm majesty of these creatures. This piece invites viewers to connect with the silent strength and enduring spirit of the grizzly bear. 

Spending summers in Whitefish, Montana, near Glacier National Park, deeply inspired "Quiet Spirit." Those summers were filled with hikes on the park's trails, accompanied by the reassuring jingle of bear bells. We would always carry bear spray, ready for any potential encounters with the park's majestic grizzly bears.

Though I never faced a grizzly in the wild, the thought often crossed my mind.  My friend’s father, a local orthopedic surgeon, would share gripping tales of his patients who had survived bear encounters, vividly illustrating why you never want to be on the receiving end of a grizzly's wrath.

Grizzlies, once abundant across the lower continental USA, now find a rare sanctuary in Montana, one of the few contiguous states where they still roam freely. Their presence in this rugged landscape is a testament to resilience and survival.

Bear Conservation Notes: Although Grizzly Bears are one of only two of the eight Bear sub-species not considered endangered, Bear conservation is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems and preserving biodiversity. As apex predators, bears play a vital role in regulating prey populations and influencing the structure of their habitats. Their foraging habits help disperse seeds, promoting plant growth and supporting diverse wildlife.

Threats to their wellbeing include habitat loss, climate change, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. Urban expansion and development encroach on natural habitats, reducing the space bears need to roam, forage, and breed. Climate change impacts their food sources and migration patterns, further endangering their survival.

Conservation organizations work tirelessly to protect bear populations and their habitats. Efforts include habitat preservation, creating wildlife corridors, and implementing sustainable management practices that balance human interests with wildlife needs. Education programs aim to foster a better understanding of bear behavior, dispelling myths and promoting coexistence.

Reference Photo by Emmanuel Keller.

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Gedruckt auf hochwertigem, archivarischem, säurefreiem Inkjet-Papier aus 100 % Baumwolllappen.

  • 330 g/m², 17 mil Dicke
  • Großer Farbumfang, hohe Schwarzdichte und D-Max für hohen Kontrast sowohl bei Schwarzweiß- als auch bei Farbreproduktionsdrucken.
  • Leichte Textur, um das Kunstwerk nicht zu überwältigen.
  • Beschnitten gedruckt (ohne Rand)

Gespannte Leinwand

  • Gedruckt auf dicker, archivierbarer Leinwand mit Öko-Lösungsmitteltinten
  • Die Leinwand wird mit fertigen Seiten geliefert, die um 1,5 Zoll dicke Keilrahmen aus Massivholz gewickelt sind, sodass sie sofort zum Aufhängen bereit ist.
  • Über 100 Jahre lichtbeständig
  • Fertig zum Aufhängen mit entsprechender Hardware

Gerahmte Optionen

Sowohl Papierdrucke als auch aufgespannte Leinwandbilder sind gerahmt erhältlich. Wir bieten vier Standardfarben an: Weiß, Schwarz, Hellholz und Espresso. Wenn Sie nach einer anderen Farbe suchen, lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen und wir können sehen, ob wir sie anpassen können. Rahmen erhöhen die Gesamtabmessungen des Kunstwerks um ungefähr 1,75 Zoll.

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